Essential oils (EO) are volatile compounds found in plant’s natural defence system. These compounds are pure and potent and assist us to maintain health and wellbeing while reducing our toxic load through natural solutions for our home and lifestyle.
I chose to use doTERRA essential oils for the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade quality of their entire product range. When an essential oil is adulterated or contaminated, it becomes less effective and can even be dangerous. which are tested to the strictest process with the latest technology which includes a rigorous examination of every batch of oil, along with third-party testing to guarantee transparency.
If you would like to learn more about essential oils or open your own wholesale account with great savings on retail prices, where there is no obligation or minimum purchase, feel free to contact us anytime for more information.
If you would like information on building your own business this could be a great opportunity for you to start a new career or earn extra money to achieve your goals. The doTERRA systems will train, educate and support you in your new journey. Contact Us.

iTovi Bio Scanner

Take the guess work out of which oil to use with the iTovi Bio Scanner!
The iTovi Bio Scanner identifies essential oils to compliment your emotions and body systems to form a wellness plan for your health and wellbeing. iTovi technology is encouraged to enhnace your life.
The iTOVi Bio Scanner combines galvanic skin response (GSR), pressure sensor, temperature, and Bluetooth technologies to measure small changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin. Keep reading to learn more about the iTOVi Scanner’s revolutionary technology.
Disclaimer: These are not an indication of health condition, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, If you have any questions about your health, the health of others, if the iTovi is safe to use, or the products on the iTovi report, consult your doctor or healthcare prvider.